Monday, October 26, 2015

Batten down the hatches everyone. Its time for the Celtic Cross.

I don't often read the celtic cross just because its so huge. But honestly, after pages of notes and even with Death in the future position (not as yikes as it seems) I think I may have had a change of heart. It was so beautiful to watch the cards interact, very humbling to be a part of it, and sometimes staggering with how "right on" this reading was.

This was my first attempt at "elevating the Ace". The Ace of Swords was initially in the past position; when I elevated it, the Ace of Wands took its place. So I elevated that! The Ace of Wands was replaced by the Hermit. The Ace of Cups was in the advice position, and was replaced by the 5 of Pentacles. I really enjoyed having all this powerful, positive Ace energy hovering over the reading, touching ever other card.

There is a lot of love, creative energy, renewing water, and calls to action and boldness in this spread. If you want to listen to me ramble on about what i see, keep reading.

To start off with, we have the Seven of Pentacles underneath that Fool; This card has been showing up a lot, so I'm not surprised to see it here. This is telling me that right now, there is energy of abundance all around me. Projects are ready to flower and fruit. But while this abundant energy may be readily available, it requires diligence, and "girls just want to have fun" right? Wrong. really this girl is just running from her responsibilities because they're big and scary and she's a little afraid of the rejection one risks when we try (looking at that King there.)

All my energy and hopes are being poured into my relationship, in spite of the fact that in my subconscious I'm alone. There are a lot of opposites between these two cards; The Lovers are naked, the woman is very clothed. The Lovers are together and even share their space with a deity, the woman is alone. The Lovers are in a wide open space, the woman is hedged in. This is a very good depiction of what I want vs what I have/what I'm manifesting. This 9 of Pentacles opposite The Lovers carries with it a warning against selfishness, an insistence to get out of my own head.

The Lovers + the Ace of Cups is a wonderful Omen. The Ace of Swords cautions to not let our communication waver, and the Ace of Wands has all the fire and passion we could ever need.

There is a lot of aloneness here; The Hermit, The Fool, The 9 of Pentacles. I've spent many years feeling alienated, perhaps to the point where its become my default setting. The Ace of Cups + Death says it is this, this loneliness, that is coming to a close. In fact, its important that this chapter of loneliness ends so the next one can begin. But changing patterns this ingrained is hard. Expect a culture shock.

The 5 if Pentacles is dismal looking. Here is startling image not just of financial struggle, but loss of faith as well. So what advice does this card have? It is a cautionary tale, warning against becoming so bogged down in your misery that you miss the help that is right under your nose. This card + The Full Moon in Taurus that is happening RIGHT NOW is about choices. Asking for help, admitting mistakes, these things make us vulnerable, and vulnerability hurts our pride. Ask anyway. Your alienation is unnecessary. Times are tough right now, but keep the faith. Help is at hand.

I want to talk about that King in the Hope/Fear spot for a minute. I drew the King of Wands last night as my "who am I" for the tarot challenge I'm doing over on instagram. I have a weird relationship to court cards, and an even weird relationship to cis-men, so this was... I'll just say it, unwelcome. But tarot is here to make us look deeper. And let me tell you what I found.

The King of Wands sit on his deserty throne, dressed in lizards and lions. He wand is bursting into life (ehyo) and his gaze is steady and focused. Notice the flames on his crown compared to the flames on the tree of life in The Lovers; they're the saaame. This King is fire. Led by intuition, he boldly does things his own way. I have written in my notes (forgive me, I don't know where I'm quoting this from) "he has harvested the core impulse of the dawn of creation".

So what is there to be afraid of? Getting exactly what I want? Yes.The higher one climbs the farther one has to fall. Can I be brave enough to take the risk?  Will I succumb not only to the sheer height, but the egomania that comes from that level of success? What if no one likes what I have to offer? What if no one wants me (there's that hermit, that fool, that lady with her bird.)

A few days ago I drew the Poison Oak card from the Bach flower essence deck, and this is the mantra

"Masculine fire burns bright within me.
Sheltered in my strength, I invite vulnerability.
I am secure, so I can risk.
Power and love are united in my soul."

With this mantra in mind, I understand why the King of Wands is showing up for me like this.

The 6 of Swords can be unnerving. Its undeniable somber. But lets look deeper. The family is together; in fact they've grown. The water is smooth, the sky is clear, their journey will be a safe one. The shore ahead has trees, they've made a good choice. Maybe it looks somber because we aren't used to the quiet. If there is a caution here, its to release emotional baggage. Only keep what is necessary. How many swords do you actually need? Don't carry old grudges with you into your new life.

I want to talk more about the Aces.

Lets start with the Ace of Cups and The Lovers, and Death. "Perfect love casts out fear." As a matter of course, when we truly love someone, fear looses its footing and fades. So we can, with peace, let this chapter close. Let the loneliness fade; now its time to partake. Reach for the Divine body and know that it is already in you. Go down to the river to pray. Wade into the waters and emerge new and fearless.

The Ace of Swords lets me know that wisdom I discovered during The Hermit will be incorporated into my new life, becoming deeply personal truths that will serve to bolster and protect me.

The Ace of Wands. What a welcome sight. The Source Fire that the King had captured and laced into his crown is epitomized here with the Ace. This is source. This is the core impulse of the dawn of creations, and it is within me, and it has been at every moment, but it's creative fire energy is especially available to me now. All I need to is grasp it. The time is now to start something new. Act. Be bold. Be creative.

The Ace of Wands lets me know a big shift is coming (see Death, 6 of Swords) and though it be huge and tricky, it will work out in my favorite. The Wand is in my hand; the shift will happen on my terms, if I keep my wits about me.

The Ace of Wands+Ace of Swords= Stop worrying. You will be well received (haaay laurel wreath)
Ace of Wands +Ace of Cups=a lover will be integral in your creative ventures. Which is true; we're together in every card (that isn't strictly to do with me) even in the difficult times, we hobble along together.

My favorite piece about the Ace of Wands from the website and it says this

"The Ace of Wands is not about creativity that is taught or learned from books, or approached as a hobby. This is boldly finding your own voice and insisting that the universe make a place for the manifestations of your visions. A moment of bold expansion is marked."

This is a rallying cry. In conclusion? Its time to stop puttering around and putting things off because I'm afraid. Its time to stop hiding. Its time to make a bold leap. Its time to make things happen. The best way to make things happen is to take a risk. Its time to trust myself, trust the universe, trust my partner, and go forth.

If you're reading this, thank you. I hope you're well. I hope you do something that makes you feel brave.

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