Wednesday, May 18, 2016

When the Activist of the Sky meets the Ultimate Lover...

Today Eris in Aries semisextiles Venus in Taurus, and I want to talk about this.

The Eris of mythology was a warrior princess of epic skill and ferocity, and if you try to research her astrological activity you'll find her described as the goddess of chaos and discord.

But I don't think so. I think of her as the Activist of the Sky. This is someone who defends the people who don't have the resources to defend themselves; children and mothers specifically (this is just my hunch) but also for sure includes the whole family unit as well. This activism often involves overturning the current regime. And yes, that often looks like chaos.

When Eris meets Venus we often get warnings of "hey watch out for fights with your significant other right now!" But I think that's just a little bit missing the point (and also this only applies to you if your relationship isn't meeting your needs. The stars can't make problems that weren't there to begin with).

When planets meet up and do things together in the sky I like to think of it as them holding council. When Eris and Venus hold that council in the sky its a huge opportunity to make big shifts in the way we move through our communities (of self, of family, work place, neighborhood, world, cosmos) and to look at issues around justice from the fresh standpoint of Love.

So what are they saying today? Heavy stuff, that's for sure.

The four cards at the top are their signifiers; Judgement + 10oCups for Eris (I'm so captivated by the similarities between the cards! And look, families!) And the 10oSwords + QoPentacles for Venus (this was rough to see.) The fact that they both have 10's is significant; this is a final and first hour of something. This is go time; Time to level up.

BUT leveling up, and pushing past and on to the next phase can be really hard. Here we see t
he Queen in mourning over the loss and pain in the 10oSwords. When I saw those cards together all I could think of was our Earth, in pain and betrayed. The Queen, Sensual earthy goddess, watches in and almost helpless sadness. I feel this despair. We hear statistics saying that we're past the tipping point of climate change; its easy to loose hope in the face of that, easy to go on living our doomed lives as we've always lived them because whats the point.

BUT things can be done, even still, to lessen the effects of climate change and shorten our planets recovery time. All we have to do is act. And that's what Eris is all about; sounding that alarm, waking us up with a decisive call to direct action.

The three cards at the bottom are their message. They're saying that we need a complete overhaul of our governing systems. "Overthrow" I whispered when I saw them. "Overthrow". But what are the systems that govern our lives? Yeah, the government, but also the economy and the media, and it all boils down to this; capitalism. It is capitalism that truly rules our life. It is our governing body, it is the fuel of our decision making, and it is the whisper in our ear that keeps us afraid and fighting. It is the excuse that allows us to pollute the countries of the poor and call it a green initiative. Its the blindfold that lets us say we're the greatest nation in the world while we are actually the sickest; sick with dis-ease, with mass incarceration, crippling poverty, shocking childhood hunger, and the highest levels of debt.

In the face of something so huge, what does our action entail? What does this "overthrow" even look like?

Start asking yourself why. Why do I think this way? Why do I want that thing? Who told me to be afraid of this person? In this way we begin to un-knit the capitalist white supremacist patriarchal web that has a hold on us. This is the first step, and once we take that first step, they* are over thrown. The process, once begun, is completed.

The second thing that struck me about these cards was their number and gender similarity to the election. (Am I reaching? Maybe, but we're talking about Tarot here so I think I'm well within an acceptable realm here.) And I became instantly concerned. Because who is the upright Emperor??? Whoooo???? I pulled a lot of cards and none would tell me. The Mister and I talked out the presence of the Emperor till we could be sure he was who we wanted him to be; at first I thought war mongering mars=war mongering Trump. But THEN I thought Emperor with his marching boots on=project starting Mars=get to work Mars=firey Mars that can Berrrn (see what I did there?) and I'm totally willing to entertain this idea.

However, and probably more importantly, I also see that we ought to adopt the attitude of the Emperor. We must be steadfast, secure, confident, ready with our marching boots on.

Seeking more clarity, I asked "To what end?" And I pulled Victory and Balance. These efforts ensure our Victory over injustice, and the creation of balanced and fair world. Then I asked "But how?" and turned over The Sun and Love. How do we work this work? How do we fight injustice and change our world for the better? We do it with Love. This love that allows us to behold the face of God, that banishes fear and brings paradise, Love that is just, Love that serves. If faith the size of a tiny mustard seed can move a mountain, and Love is greater than faith, then think of how much we can do if we do it in Love.

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